Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Scout 2006

June 24th a scout trip was organized by ‘Youth Life’ for 140 youth volunteers. These volunteers included: Assistants who help each youth club, captains (45) who help the youth leaders and the youth leaders.

First all we all traveled to a huge lake called ‘Karricum’, we all went swimming there and played, and then there was a relay race and sports. Then we all got onto the bus again and spent the night in a building that ‘Youth Life’ is in the process of buying. We stayed in the building all night, spending time with each other, sharing and relaxing. A great team spirit was built and lots of food was eaten.

The Purpose: Scout is used to inspire all volunteers that they are important for our work, and we want to give them new strength so that the work of ‘Youth Life’ will move further on with them and the visions they have in their hearts.

Some statistics about 'Youth Life Scout':
As the name implies it is a time when everyone sleeps outside and alot like camping.
The event is used to spend quality time with the 180 youth volunteers.
The time is used to build a strong team spirit and to share resources.
The event is filled with purpose and activity.

Good memories are built by doing things together and caring for each other.
Happens at least once a year.

Youth Life Goes to Bulgaria >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3 guys from ‘Youth Life’ Tajikistan got the chance to visit Bulgaria to help vulnerable young people in one of its big cities!!!

Here is what they experienced:

“Yesterdays highlight was choosing the Lino for our break dancing team; we wondered around the shop rubbing each roll trying to find the shiniest surface!”

These 3 boys, Vitalik, Ilyos and Victor had been on the road for 11 days heading for Bulgaria! Then the 3 of them were in Moscow for another 6 days waiting for their visas.

The hosts in Bulgaria said:
”Yesterday I collected them from the airport and immediately fell in love with these quiet, humble young men.”

”They danced in the evening meeting and were amazing, the crowd went wild, afterwards Ilyos gave his testimony how his home and family had been transformed by the help and love they had received from others who cared.”

This trip has given these 3 young men new experiences, new ideas, new expectations and new abilities to train and care for others as others have trained and cared for them.


Some statistics about this trip:
Outreach to Gypsy communities by local, English and Tajik people together.
700 Gypsies attended.
Several hundred young people came because of the break dance.
Gypsies are a negelected people group in Bulgaria and some live a extreme poverty.
Some similarities between Bulgarian language and Russian and Turkish language is similar to Uzbek.

BATTLE - 2006

On April 15th, 2006 in Khujand ‘BATTLE 2006’ took place. Every year Youth Life organizes this action and after each year more and more youth get involved. The mobile team (4 youth that travel around Youth life’s work), worked very hard to set this event up together with the other 28 youth leaders.

The Purpose: Youth want to gather as many break dancers as possible, to inspire and give them support so that they could express their talents and abilities in a safe environment. That each team could be friends with each other, and develop this extreme sport in Central Asia.

Achievements: In this ‘BATTLE’ the following teams took part: New life, City Power,
Mega Blast, City Boys, and team Movement of Death. The whole outreach was a great time for everyone. Over 600 youth bought tickets and from them 200 actively took part in setting it up and running it. Youth Life’s team New Life has shown strongly and positively influenced other teams to realize that break dance can be enjoyed and used in positive ways that helps to build the society.

The Testimony: From team Movement to Death, (the captain of the team): I really liked this Battle I was really encouraged by it, Youth Life has a high level of organizing such big events, and I think, that now I have received an example from you and I have a desire to organize more ‘BATTLES’.

Other information about 'Youth Life' Battles:
Youth Life has held Battles for the past 6 years.
More than 800 youth can attend any one Battle.
Clips from the Battles are often shown on the local TV stations.
Youth Life also holds a JAM each year where 140 break dancers take part.
Youth Life has its own team called 'New Life' made up of 9 dancers.
The break dance part of the programme is very effective when working with Street Children.
New Life is currently raising up 9 new teams that they will support.
Current plans to have Battles in Bulgaria and Krygystan.

Presentation for Samaritans Purse

11th of April 2006 from USA arrived regional Director for Central Asia 'Samaritans Purse' David Thomson. He visited various works one of which was ‘Youth life,’ he came to see how the youth is engaged in the distribution of presents to other youth. ‘Youth Life’ organized a presentation where an interactive programme was shown to hundreds of other youth by youth and then presents were given out at the end from Samaritans purse.

David was in Khujand for 2 days, he visited almost all youth clubs (29). He was
surprised, seeing so many children are actively involved in clubs. This short time encouraged David Thomson as he saw such an active and good work in Tajikistan. As David was leaving Khujand he told the youth that he would like to come not for just 2 days but for one month next time…………………..