Friday, January 13, 2006

Talents and something to contribute

December 16th 2005
New Generation Youth reaching Youth

Young people showing what they learnt at the Hip Hop seminar

New Generation is a youth outreach where young people come together, it is specifically aimed at giving young people the opportunity to plan and show their talents to each other. The event is made up of a good organized disco, an interactive program in the middle where different youth will show their talents. Then a time to eat and make friends. Each program consists of around an issue that young people find particularly relevant to their lives and to the times they are living in. Such themes have included: What is racism; it is good where you live now, Drugs, Friendship and so on. This latest one was called ‘New Year’, 600 tickets were given out and young people from 4 different cities were invited to the event on a Friday afternoon after lessons at school and University had finished.

This outreach included:
Tajik dance by dance group ‘Progress’ the dance was full of life and very elegantly presented.
Break dance by ‘New Life’, the team is made up of orphans, street kids and other youth, the dance had been prepared for a Break Dance Battle that had taken place several weeks before. Full of energy and captures other young peoples attention easily.
Drama: A group of young people presented a message about caring for each other and the need to give.
Presents were given to each other to remember the time and food was shared.
During the duration of the outreach everyone was given the opportunity to attend a practical activity from hip hop dance, break dance, Tajik dance and singing karaoke.
Video clips were shown that youth leaders from youth life had produced themselves highlighting the dangers of drug abuse.
Lots and lots of time to dance and get to know each other.

Goal of the outreach:
To bring young people together from different walks of life and different backgrounds.
To create a memorable time for those young people who are experiencing extreme difficulties at home.
To give all young people the chance to show their talents and how they can contribute something constructive to others.
To include other young people who are new.

Results of the outreach, what was achieved:

300 young people attended this event and were reached in a constructive way.
Many of those who attended this outreach came from homes where they are experiencing many problems and difficulties; they were able to meet other young people who were positive and encouraging.
Many of those attending were active and got something out of all the activities knowing that they have something to contribute to others.
More than 100 young people were empowered by running and performing in the event.
Countless conversations and friendships were forged so that young people can begin to trust each other and get help when it is needed.

Big Fellowship

November 27th 2005
Big Fellowship

The team of youth leaders from ‘Youth Life’ gave a new idea to organize once a month something called ‘Big Fellowship’. It is the kind of event where you gather as many young people who want to get together, especially those we have been working with from 26 clubs that are held each week. And also to invite our friends and neighbors who may not usually invite to the clubs or other events we are involved in. We organize a place before hand and we walk to this place together so we can build up our friendships, and a activity based program is prepared in advance. Play games, different sports, eat, take photos and enjoy being with each other.

Goal of the outreach:

November 27th ‘Big Fellowship’ took place in ‘Youth Life’ building and 40 young people came together. The young people shared a great time together when they watched a film ‘Island’ and listened to music.

Many young people in Tajikistan during the winter time they do not have gas or electric at home and by providing such a place and a friendly atmosphere people are able to relax and be themselves. Begin to trust and talk to each and gain access to constructive help and support.

Results of the outreach, what was achieved:
Many young people came to this outreach and this pleasantly surprised many of the workers and created a great atmosphere of friendship and trust. Everyone liked the programme and many new ideas began to form to do other things together.

Youth go to the Mountains

Young people in the Bus going back home

<November 2005

Every year ‘Youth Life’ holds a youth activity camp in the mountains which are called ‘Shakriston’ from November 3rd to 7th. 70 Young people attend these camps each time. Each time when these camps are run something good happens in the lives of the young people that attend.

Lovely Tajik Countryside

The goals of this camp are:

i. To give effective youth activities to youth leaders.
ii. To give young people tools so that they can develop as unique individual people.
iii. To use drama, orienteering and spending time together to bring about these changes.

After the camp many of the youth leaders were telling of how the time had impacted their lives and changed them. You maybe asking how do we really know lives have been changed and built up? Many of them gave feed back that they were studying better at school or university, their relationship with their parents had improved. Many also said how they had a greater desire to help at home with different chores, and many youth leaders could see when visiting the 26 youth clubs we run each week that many of these youth were much more active and had many more ideas.

a href="">
Youth having a good time making memories that will last forever

Farhard, Young Man:
What I liked the most about this camp was the atmosphere of friendship, and the good activities. I learnt through this camp how to relate more effectively with young people, to understand the problems that young people face and how to give support so that they can begin to find away out of them.

Results of this event, what was achieved
There was a great atmosphere of fun and enjoying life and each other. Many young people commented on how they liked that they could see different parts of Tajikistan’s countryside and nature and this made them feel much happier. The activities were interesting and easy to understanding, especially the ones that you could take part in and do.