Friday, January 13, 2006

Big Fellowship

November 27th 2005
Big Fellowship

The team of youth leaders from ‘Youth Life’ gave a new idea to organize once a month something called ‘Big Fellowship’. It is the kind of event where you gather as many young people who want to get together, especially those we have been working with from 26 clubs that are held each week. And also to invite our friends and neighbors who may not usually invite to the clubs or other events we are involved in. We organize a place before hand and we walk to this place together so we can build up our friendships, and a activity based program is prepared in advance. Play games, different sports, eat, take photos and enjoy being with each other.

Goal of the outreach:

November 27th ‘Big Fellowship’ took place in ‘Youth Life’ building and 40 young people came together. The young people shared a great time together when they watched a film ‘Island’ and listened to music.

Many young people in Tajikistan during the winter time they do not have gas or electric at home and by providing such a place and a friendly atmosphere people are able to relax and be themselves. Begin to trust and talk to each and gain access to constructive help and support.

Results of the outreach, what was achieved:
Many young people came to this outreach and this pleasantly surprised many of the workers and created a great atmosphere of friendship and trust. Everyone liked the programme and many new ideas began to form to do other things together.

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