Friday, February 02, 2007

Adventures on the roof of the World

November 2006


Autumn Camp in the Mountains:

This is the sceen at the winter camp

100 youth volunteers and leaders were able to go up into the mountains of Tajikistan to spend 5 days together. The goal of this time was to build a stronger team spirit. The programme was very active and interesting. Each day there were different games and practical things teams had to do to build their teams up. It was a great fun time and it even snowed and everyone had snow ball fights and got very wet.

Marsha is a young girl helping in one of the older youth clubs, she said that she was amazed how the young leaders were able to organize such an interesting time and take responsibility for the whole trip. Her desire now is to see such potential and ability in her clubs central team so they can do more things together in the future.
Marsha has been going to one of the clubs for years and is a great volunteer.

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