Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Making Connections

JULY 2008

Vitalik and Ilyos in London
Two of Youth Lifes break dancers arrived in England June the 27th 2008. The goal of this trip to the Uk is: to swap the expriences youth leaders have received through working in YOUTH LIFE and also to get to know other organisations how they work and also encourage them to visit central asia.
Vitalik teaching British Youth how to Break Dance
The exchange began in different schools meetings are held in the mornings: first of all, break dancing and then the guys introduce themselves and share with the British youth how they work in Central Asia and why we do the work we do?
Ilyos doing a freeze in London
Other areas talked about are the georgraphy of central asia and people, traditions and customs.
There has also been opportunity for the youth leaders from Tajikistan to try bmx and rollerbalding lessons in the UK. which has been very exciting...
The guys have also built 2 break dance teams in England, in the county of Essex but in different towns. The guys are looking forward to seeing how the teams will develop in the future and to help them.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


10 Years of Miracles

Anya, Bahtieor, Daniel and Artu old and present Youth Life Leaders

10 Years Presentation
2008 is the 10 year that Youth Life’s programmes have been working; therefore this year’s presentation was extra special. A 10 year birthday was held and all youth who have worked with Youth Life previously and present were invited to this celebration. Around 850 youth and adults took part in this event. The event was made up of a presentation in a concert hall where many clubs took part, a small market was held by different clubs showing ideas they are developing for business, after the presentation a picnic was prepared in the park for closer fellowship.

Repairing the Multimedia Studio
Finally one of Youth Life’s dreams is coming true. Youth Life is in the process of building a small studio where they will be able to develop the already existing multimedia work. The first stages of preparing the studio are already happening and hopefully by the end of July the studio will be totally functioning. Plans are under way to start businesses and to make TV clips that can reach 32000 youth across the region.


Youth Festival in Bishkek
Youth Life were invited and took part in a regional Youth Conference based in Bishkek the Capital of Kyrgyzstan. A team of 8 people came form Tajikistan by taxi (takes 22 hours) driving through the mountains. The youth that came were responsible to lead other teams and provide training in break dance, hip hop and using your creativity. 350 youth took part in this event over 4 days.

Vitalik, Elzara, Katja and Mansur in Bishkek 2008

Exams were passed
Finally this year Katja, Ivan and Victor passed their Degree in International Economics, this process took 6 years but finally they have graduated. This is a great achievement and example for the other youth to show them not to quit once you start to do something so you can appreciate the fruit of your hard work!!!!

Vitea amazed that he passed his degree finally!!!

Training Training Training


Tabashar Spring Camp

Tabashar Spring Camp
As usual Youth Life held its spring camp but this year they changed the place from the mountains of Shakriston to a pretty town called Tabashar. 70 Youth took part in this camp. The camp greatly encouraged all who attended after the severe long cold winter. Many young people were able to make new friends and encourage each other. Training for future youth leaders was given during this camp.

Presentation to Local Community where the new office is located

Youth Life relocated its offices a year ago, this year a presentation of the work was given to the local community where they are now based. The purpose of this is to work together with the local community, to find out what needs they have and to share the needs we have to see how we can help each other. Many local people turned out for this presentation and a great time of fellowship was had by all.


Festival in Osh

Youth Life was able to send a team of 9 people for the first Youth Festival in Osh in the South of Kyrgyzstan. 300 Youth attended this event from around the region. Our youth took part in many parts of the festival and made many new friends and were encouraged and able to encourage others.

Some of the break dance team from Khjuand with a break dance team from Osh

Guest who encourage you....



This is an educational outreach that stretches young peoples knowledge in a
competitive way. This year the focus was on different nationalities and cultures.
Teams are formed and they have to present the country they represent in many
different ways. Around 250 youth attended this event.

Charles and Joyce Arrived

Youth Life had the privilege of guests visiting from the UK. The time that Charles and Joyce visited Youth Life encouraged the team during and after the severe winter. Charles and Joyce’s years of experience in Business and other related areas really built the team up and encouraged them in the areas they are already developing in.

Extreme Winters!!!!!

January 2008
Trying to keep warm when it is cold everywhere

This past winter was the most extreme in the region for 30 years with temperatures below -25, no central heating, little and sometimes for days no electric, frozen water pipes and sewage for weeks. The winter took its toll on many areas of the society however one way or another the work we do kept going and sometimes kept us going too.

One of the clubs having fun even though it is soooo cold!

Strengthen our own infrastructure
After this winter we could see that we needed to make our infrastructure stronger so if we need to we can have our own electric and heating systems not relying on the central infrastructure. Tear Fund helped Youth Life to purchase a good generator and to repair the heating system that exploded due to the extreme low temperatures, so if such a winter should happen again Youth Life will be better prepared.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

DECEMBER 2007!!!


CARNIVAL!!! Yes in December in Central Asia. Youth Life as one of its 7 Concerts decided to put on a Carnival where youth from different youth clubs dressed up and took part in the Carnival in one of the towns where Youth Life is working.

Ian from England was able to visit Youth Life the beginning of December to encourage the team and check how things are going; Ian spent a week with the team and shared his experience and knowledge with the leadership and youth leaders. It was a good up building time.

The Annual New Years Disco!!!

New Years Eve! Is the big celebration in Central Asian countries! Youth Life gives the opportunity for those young people who do not want to be home due to difficult circumstances to come together as a community and make the evening fun and memorable for everyone.


I really liked the carnival, there were many people there from different clubs and we all participated in the programme. The games were especially interesting and fun. I will never forget this day it was lots of fun. Everyone was dressed up in different costumes and many looked really beautiful, it was an unforgettable time like a fairy-tale, with songs and riddles. I thank all the organizers of this event for putting it on.



Which One is Wearing the Mask?

Leaders training up up in the mountains!!!
School of Leaders was the focus of this winter camp. Camps are always a highlight of the work as you spend day and night together, cook, clean and do everything and it is a great time for team building and sharing. As a result of this camp many of the youth leaders were so touched and encouraged. At this youth camp there were 65 youth leaders. All activities were focused on encouraging and challenging the youth leaders to serve and help others as well as giving new strength.

Testimony: Ignat who is a Youth Volunteer

When we were at the winter leaders camp I shared with friends there that I was concerned about finding money to pay for my University fees. My friends encouraged me and told me we would find away. I arrived back home after the camp; I went to the University and saw all the other students gathered outside they were talking about who had paid and who needed to pay by the end of the week. I went home and expected something to happen. After some days, we found the money and were able to pay for this year’s fee!

Saturday, January 19, 2008



Youth Volunteer Training 2007

Peter and Meg came to Tajikistan to see how Youth Life’s work is doing and to have some input in to the way the organization is working. Both Peter and Meg are professionally trained and experienced people. They were able to really encourage all the youth leaders and help advise how to strengthen the organization in many areas. Focuses during their trip were tools for management, question and answer time, resolving staff conflicts etc… We hope they will come again for longer next time.



New Building
The team worked day and night to get the new premises in order and functioning, it was so great to have space to hold different activities and to have new things in place that are of a decent standard.

Testimony Nargiza who is youth volunteer...

I have been going to the club now for a year; I go because I like to spend time with others there. We spend our time there playing different games that teach us useful things, there are different themes and you make lots of new friends. Through out the year we prepare for different concerts and outreaches. Our teachers and youth leaders teach us to be good, not to swear and to respect each other and older people. We have also been able to give gifts to others and help those in our community.



Ilyos doing a freeze in Portsmouth!
Break Dance
Youth Life for the first time was able to send a Break Dance team to the United Kingdom for a cultural exchange with youth in England. The team had a one-month tour to 6 different towns and cities. During the tour the team won a competition at an international youth camp and the prize they won was to make their own break dance clip to a professional level in England. The judges of the competition complemented the group on how well they had represented their home country. As a result of this tour another tour is planned for the summer of 2008 in Europe and many young people are now interested to visit Tajikistan and Central Asia for cultural exchange.

The Team that was in England!!!